
We will be LIVE on Facebook 12/30/16 to raffle off some amazing guns. We will be selling raffle tickets: 1 ticket for $20, or 6 tickets for $100.
All proceeds from the sale of tickets go to support Building for Christ. We are going to Uganda in February to build 2 schools and help the village people. We are offering at least 15 great guns in this raffle including:
We will be working along side Pastor George again this year as we begin construction on two school houses. This year will be unique as we are taking a team of people with us. Attending the trip this year will be Joe Yoder, Tonya Yoder, Dan Yoder, Travis Kaiser, and Eva Mast. This is the first time that we have taken a team people, but we felt the time was right to bring some of our friends and family with us to see first hand the ministry they have been supporting.
In addition to building two school houses we hope to provide windows and doors for all the buildings. We have in total built 2 homes, 3 schools, and a bathroom. None of the facilities have windows and doors at this point. For added security and comfort we want to install these on all of the buildings.
“Only one life, ’twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last…” C.T. Studd
We are currently raising funds to support this trip. If you feel lead to partner with us and support this ministry please visit our donation page! There will also be a gun raffle held in December 2017.
Every year since 2011 we have been involved with Pastor George and his ministry in Uganda. Joe has lead our trips over to head building schools and ministering to children. As this relationship has developed, Joe has stated that this is his second home. He feels equally comfortable in Uganda, as he does sitting in Holmes County, Ohio.
We’re not sure on the details, but we do know that we will be heading to Africa again in early 2017. Please pray for us as we work out the details for this trip. And if you would be interested in going or supporting us, please reach out!
Missionary (noun)
Somone that leaves there family for a short time, so that others can be with their families for Eternity. [/blockquote]
Ken Troyer, a salesman for one of our construction companies, went out to meet with Sandy Simon because she knew she needed a new roof. Her husband had recently passed away. She knew she need a roof, but didn’t know if she could afford it. Sandy expressed to Ken that she felt overwhelmed by the whole project.
Ken prayed about it and brought her quote to our team. After looking at the project we decided to help Sandy out by installing her new roof for free. We were able to partner with our suppliers and a local church to make sure Sandy didn’t have to stress about this project.
When Ken went out to tell Sandy we was absolutely floored! She said no one had ever done such a nice thing for her before!
” If you can feed a hundred people, then just feed one.” -Mother Teresa
We have occasionally stayed in touch with Sandy since this project has been complete. We had the pleasure of helping her put some doors in this fall, and she was happy with the work. We wish her the best and hope that God touches her life in many ways to come!