Education is especially important if we want to help people out of poverty. Not only are they getting an education that is in par with the state level they are also learning about Jesus and how we can be set free. Lives are being changed for generations to come so we are reaching many more then just the ones we are encountering. At this time there are well over a thousand children attending the schools that you are helping to support.
Author: [email protected]
Medical Care
We love doing medical clinics for the people in the villages. It is such a great blessing to be able to help people and share the love of Christ as we are doing it. We generally have 300-400 people that come for help. It is amazing how a group of doctors and nurses can help so many people in one day if they are organized.
Clean Water
We have just drilled our first well at one of our schools where it was thoroughly needed. Fresh clean drinking water is something so many of us take for granted. With this well there will be water available with out traveling as far to get it. Also, it benefits the school a lot as they have water to use. That is a great blessing for the teachers, students, and the families in the surrounding area.
Healthy Food
The children in the villages of Uganda sometimes depend on the meal provided for them at school for food. Every child gets one warm meal per day at our schools. That also gives the rest of the family more opportunity to make their food go further. With the children well fed they will be able to study better and lean a lot more then on empty stomachs.
November 2020 Event

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October 2020 Event

When you have something else to announce, like something in October, you can do it by creating a new post which will automatically display here.
2020 Fall Festival Fundraiser

OCT 14th Basket Raffle Donors

OCT. 14th Gun Raffle Prizes